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Mobile network operators from all over the world meet at SIGOS Telecommunications&Digital Experience Conference in Düsseldorf

ID: 1494015

381 attendees representing more than 150 mobile network operators and telecommunications firms from more than 70 countries

(PresseBox) - For more than 10 years, SIGOS has been inviting mobile network operators from all over the world to an annual telecommunications conference. After being held in different locations worldwide, the multi-day conference took place at the Hilton Hotel in Düsseldorf this year.
A total of 381 attendees representing over 150 mobile network operators and telecommunications firms from more than 70 countries worldwide came together to discuss issues such as measuring network quality, network performance, international mobile phone roaming, smartphone app quality measurement, and solutions for uncovering telecommunications fraud.
Representatives of network operators and Standard Setting Organizations (SSOs) discussed how SIGOS solutions could be applied to GSM, UMTS, and LTE network technologies in numerous talks, panel discussions, and workshops. Here, strategy discussion about future network technologies and services as well as new test procedures and methods were key elements.
Adil Kaya, CEO of SIGOS GmbH: "Mobile communications, as well as our expectations towards digital communication, are firmly rooted within everyday life. More and more people globally user network services. The way in which we use these services is subject to constant change and great innovative drive. SIGOS is a global market leader for active test solutions and enables network operators worldwide to ensure top-quality mobile communication. One of the main themes at the 19th SIGOS Conference is "Digital Experience". In recent years, SIGOS has established a new core competency alongside its existing portfolio in the field of app testing and new technologies in the IoT".

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 29.05.2017 - 14:50 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1494015
Anzahl Zeichen: 0







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