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The personal story behind Alley''s Mosaic Art journey

ID: 1490936

Allison S. Adams. Mosaic Artist. Cape town. South Africa.

(IINews) - I am Alley and I create Mosaic Art...

Allison S. Adams. Mosaic artist.

Art flips the switch between my ''organized'' and my ''chaos''.

It opens up the path that leads to my journey within.

I am free to connect with my most inner thoughts and feelings.

In my safe place of solitude, there is no judgment... only time.

That is where I get to figure things out on my own.

"When one day I no longer roam the earth,

I would like to be remembered as the girl

who did what she loved.

And where she loved, she loved hard.

She leaves with no regrets, only smiles."

~ Allison S. Adams

I put broken pieces together to tell my story.

Allison S. Adams working on ''Wine up the hill'', 2017.

Memories set off my design process.

My state of mind determines my cuts and directions.

I shape my pieces until it feels just right.

Every single one is there for a reason.

No two are the same, yet there is a purpose for each.

My lines are as raw as the emotions that guide my hands.

Almost organic of nature.

My finish is imperfectly perfect. Just like my world.

Inspired by the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi,

I strive to be the change I want to see in this world.

I am Alley and I create Mosaic Art...

... because it helps me to better understand

the person I would like to become.


Raw. Untainted. Unfiltered.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

I am Alley and I create Mosaic Art because it helps me to better understand the person I would like to become.

Raw. Untainted. Unfiltered.
Cape Town, South Africa


PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Glass Art By Alley
Allison Adams
Kuilsriver 000
7580 Cape Town

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Adenion
Datum: 12.05.2017 - 18:10 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1490936
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Allison Adams

Cape Town

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Kunst & Kultur


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