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Global Cut Resistant Gloves Market to grow at a CAGR of 8.32% during the period 2017-2021

ID: 1489850

A glove is a personal protective equipment (PPE) that covers the whole hand. It is used for protection from heat, cold, chemical reactions, and injuries. Gloves are used for personal as well as industrial applications to protect the wearer from cuts, abrasions, heat, impacts, and vibrations. Cut-resistant gloves are designed to protect worker's hands against injuries while working with sharp tools.

(IINews) - Albany, New York, 10 May, 2017: A glove is a personal protective equipment (PPE) that covers the whole hand. It is used for protection from heat, cold, chemical reactions, and injuries. Gloves are used for personal as well as industrial applications to protect the wearer from cuts, abrasions, heat, impacts, and vibrations. Cut-resistant gloves are designed to protect worker''s hands against injuries while working with sharp tools.

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Cut-resistant gloves are used in applications that require workers to use sharp objects. These gloves protect workers from cuts, abrasions, and stretches. There are mainly three types of cuts that workers are subjected to, namely, abrasion cuts, slicing cuts, and impact cuts.

Market Research Hub analysts forecast the “global cut resistant gloves market” to grow at a CAGR of 8.32% during the period 2017-2021.

Covered in this report
The report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the global cut resistant gloves market for 2017-2021. To calculate the market size, the report considers the revenue generated from the sales of cut-resistant gloves at the manufacturer level.

The market is divided into the following segments based on geography:

Market Research Hub ''s report, Global Cut Resistant Gloves Market 2017-2021, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the market landscape and its growth prospects over the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.

Key vendors
Honeywell International
Other prominent vendors
John Tillman
Magid Glove
MCR Safety
Superior Glove
Worldwide Protective Products

Wells Lamont Industrial

Market driver
Increasing emphasis on glove safety standards.
For a full, detailed list, view our report

Market challenge
Improper selection of cut-resistant gloves.
For a full, detailed list, view our report

Market trend
Use of green and recyclable materials.
For a full, detailed list, view our report

Key questions answered in this report
What will the market size be in 2021 and what will the growth rate be?
What are the key market trends?
What is driving this market?
What are the challenges to market growth?
Who are the key vendors in this market space?
What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?

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You can request one free hour of our analysts time when you purchase this market report. Details are provided within the report.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: MarketResearchHub
Datum: 10.05.2017 - 17:22 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1489850
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