The US Anesthesiology Service Market Research Reports: Size, Share & Forecasts (2017-2021)
Anesthesiology market is composed of two main elements which are anesthesia (drugs for medicinal purpose) and anesthesiologist (professional who are trained to use anesthesia). There are many equipments specifically designed for different surgical procedures like Anesthetic Vaporizer is used for vaporizing anesthetic; nasal oxygen set for delivering oxygen etc.

(IINews) - Albany, New York, 2 May, 2017: The report entitled “The US Anesthesiology Service Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2017-2021)”, provides analysis of the US anesthesia service market, with detailed analysis of market size and value, market share and economic impact of the industry. The analysis includes the market by value, by share of players, by segments, etc.
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Furthermore, the report also assesses the key opportunities in the market and outlines the factors that are and will be driving the growth of the industry. Growth of the overall US anesthesia service market has also been forecasted for the years 2017-2021, taking into consideration the previous growth patterns, the growth drivers and the current and future trends.
Envision Healthcare, Teamhealth and Mednax are some of the key players operating in the US anesthesiology service market, whose company profiling has been done in the report. In this segment of the report, business overview, financial overview and business strategies of the companies are provided.
Company Coverage
Envision Healthcare
Executive Summary
Anesthesiology market is composed of two main elements which are anesthesia (drugs for medicinal purpose) and anesthesiologist (professional who are trained to use anesthesia). There are many equipments specifically designed for different surgical procedures like Anesthetic Vaporizer is used for vaporizing anesthetic; nasal oxygen set for delivering oxygen etc.
Market Dynamics
Growth Drivers
Increased Ambulatory Surgeries
Growing Geriatric Population
Increase in Monitored Anesthesia Use
New Drugs Approvals at Reduced Cost
Increasing Chronic Diseases and Volume of Surgeries
Increasing Utilization Of Deep Sedation For Endoscopic Procedures
Side Effects of Anesthesia
Lack of Skilled Anesthesiologist
Regulatory Issues
High Price of Anesthesia Equipment
Market Trends
Increasing Mid-Level Anesthesia Provider
Increasing Anesthesiologist Employment
More Care Team and Certified Nurse Anesthetists
Technological Enhancement of Anesthesia Devices
Growing ASC Market
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Company Profiling
Envision Healthcare
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