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Primus Enterprises GmbH celebrated Rising Stars in Wales

ID: 145899

On Saturday 5th December 2009, the Progressive Global Organisation Ltd (PGT) celebrated 2009 with what was undoubtedly their best Rising Star Event to date! The jam-packed event was scattered with awards, key-speakers, as well as a fantastic car giveaway!

(IINews) - Guests who had been identified as high-rollers in the business prior to the event arrived in style, being dropped off in limousines at the SWALEC Stadium in Cardiff, Wales. Attendees were from wide and far spanning five cities in the UK – see photo’s from the event by clicking the link below!

Excitement was brewing as guests made their way down the red carpet into the Hollywood themed venue. The brand new Fiat 500 was the main attraction that all guests flocked to look at, knowing that one of them would be driving away in it at the end of the evening.
UK Organisational Head Howie Seymour commenced the meeting by welcoming all three hundred and forty guests from the UK, Greece and Italy. UK Owner Mark Cox and co-host, gave a sterling speech about the growth potential of the business. Continuing on was UK Owner August Cox-Taylor who discussed the reason he loves sales. Other key-speakers included; UK Owner Paul Denning (What I was taught as a new Owner), Italy Owner Roberto Malarado (Changing products/countries/divisions) and Greece Owner Harris Fiseros (How to get promoted in twenty-six weeks).

The PGT Rising Star 2009 entire day was geared around the Sales Representatives and the success of the PGT Organisation, so it was no surprise to see ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR awards given out! A full list of recipients is attached below on the enclosed PowerPoint.
Categories included;

* Sales Awards
* Rising Star Awards
* Leaders Awards
* Crew Leader Awards
* Assistant Owner Awards
* Ownership Awards
* Industry Awards
* Owner of the Quarter
* Admin Awards

It was a big day for three Sales Representatives who picked up their promotions to Assistant Ownership; Yiannis Tzorbatzakis (Worldwide Marketing, Greece), James ‘O Brien (ANB Promotions, UK) and Nikos Christakis (Wave Marketing, Greece). Emotions were also running high with promotions to Ownership for Marvin Smith and Vishal Patel (The Scorpia Corporation Ltd). Both new Owners stood proudly on stage to accept their awards giving a very heart-felt speech that made everyone involved in their promotion extremely proud of their success!

The BIG moment had arrived – the car draw was about to take place. Drums were rolling and the name was picked from the tombola ...AND THE WINNER IS... FR Steven McKerrow (ANB Promotions Ltd) was the lucky winner! Just nineteen years old, Steven has been in the business for just five weeks, and could not believe his luck! He has been a consistent high-roller in the business originally arriving in a limousine, and would be driving away in his own brand new car (well, he doesn’t actually have a drivers license so another FR had to drive it PGT Rising Star 2009 away for him!). What a way to spend your first month in a new company. Shocked and happy, a surprised Steven said; “Following an appointment at ANB Promotions just five weeks ago, never would I of thought that I would be collecting a Sales Award, let alone walking on stage to be given the keys to a beautiful, brand new Fiat 500!”. Since bringing the car home, Steven continues; “The car is currently sitting on my drive, where I am eagerly awaiting to complete my driving lessons, generously paid for by new Owner Vishal Patel and Owner Mark Cox. Once I pass my driving test, I look forward to building my team, and taking my crew on road trips in my brand new car to a City near you!”

The day was about to conclude before all Owners in attendance served guests with champagne in very fetching Hawaiian shirts (just a bit of fun) and a toast was made to a very successful 2009 and an even better 2010. The meeting finished nearly two hours ahead of schedule which gave everyone just enough time to network with award recipients.

Invitations had been handed out during the course of the meeting, for an exclusive dinner for sixty people as a further recognition of their accomplishments in 2009. We eagerly await the next meeting which is bound to be even bigger and better.

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Primus Enterprises GmbH
Lindenstrasse 76
10969 Berlin

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: primusm
Datum: 15.12.2009 - 17:26 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 145899
Anzahl Zeichen: 0





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