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Roofing Contractors Indianapolis: Get World Class Roofing Service for Residential & Commercial Places

ID: 1454229

EDM Slate is a professional roofing contractors Indianapolis that offers a comprehensive roofing solution starting with repairing of leaky roofs, roof cleaning, roof maintenance, installing metal roofs, wood roofing, EPDM roofing, roof replacement and a lot more.

(IINews) - For Immediate Release:

Roofing Contractors Indianapolis, IN, February 8, 2017: Having a safe & sound home is one of the biggest requirements of every home owner, and whenever we talk about safety of a house, the roof takes an important part. To keep a house in good condition, regular checking & maintenance is most essential to ensure safety of living under the house. Even if you find a small leak, you must acquire a quick and proper solution to avoid having bigger problems later.

There is a lot of roofing contractors Indianapolis are available who can help you to repair the roof of your house. But, before choosing a service provider, you need to ensure that the contractors you are choosing are experienced and professional in the field of roof repairing. An inexperienced & amateur service can lead your house to more danger.

EDM Slate is a professional roofing contractors Indianapolis that offers comprehensive roofing solution starting with repairing leaky roofs, roof cleaning, roof maintenance, installing metal roofs, wood roofing, EPDM roofing, roof replacement and a lot more. It is an excellent roofing service provider with more than six decades of experience in this field. With their extensive experience they can offer your house the safest solution that you are looking for.

EDM Slate, roofing contractors Indianapolis has a staff of over 30 roofers, each staff with expertise knowledge in roof construction & maintenance, and thus while hiring the team of the roofing contractors you can be rest assured to get best quality service for your beloved house.

On the other hand, EDM Slate not only specializes in residential roofing service, but also you can hire them for any kind of commercial roofing needs. They offer much more facilities in the field of construction and roofing, you can know about them in more details by visiting this link:

About The Company:
EDM Slate is one of the trusted and experienced roofing contractors Indianapolis offering all types of roofing solutions ranging from installation, reconstruction, repairing, replacement, and maintenance services to residential and commercial places.

Contact Details:
Author Name: Charles Steed
Address: EDM Slate
8852 Wallstreet Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46234
Phone No.:317-218-9858
Company Email Id.: steed(at)


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: baptistamichael174
Datum: 08.02.2017 - 18:22 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1454229
Anzahl Zeichen: 0






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