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Dennis Davis Reveals How to “Take Responsibility for Your Life” in New eBook

ID: 1452246

(IINews) - For Immediate Release

February 5, 2017 – The new eBook, “Take Responsibility for Your Life – You Must Believe in You Plus Something Greater Than Yourself” by Dennis Davies features motivational words and some poems. The eBook was written by Dennis to inspire and motivate men, women, leaders, mentors, advisers, teachers, and students, and also to encourage everyone to do and be their best in all their endeavors.

Dennis, who has written over one thousand, four hundred (1400) poems, came out with this eBook containing motivational advice about taking responsibility for your life. It is all about doing what it takes, believing in yourself and something that is greater than you, and ultimately becoming a happier and better person.

In this poetic and motivational eBook, you will learn about courage, strength, success, optimism, character, rising above mediocrity, believing in yourself, being productive, doing what it takes, being happy, seeing our own potentials, learning life’s lessons, and many more.

Dennis Davishas been an entrepreneur and employee for most of his life. He has written 1400 poems since he started writing in 1976, and three other complete books which are awaiting publication. Dennis is naturally gifted with exceptional writing skills and he enjoys writing. Click this link to learn more about the eBook, “Take Responsibility for Your Life – You Must Believe in You Plus Something Greater Than Yourself”.

Dennis Davies

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Datum: 05.02.2017 - 17:52 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1452246
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