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IPS Europe commences business as the European representation of Innovative Polishing Systems, Inc. (

ID: 144798

IPS SheerForce Polishing Systems afford an effective and distortion free way to repair glass and to restore acrylic in a high-quality manner.

(IINews) - Berlin, December 03rd, 2009 - IPS Europe UG (ltd.) i.G. takes over the European representation of Innovative Polishing Systems, Inc. Now available on the European market all scratch removal products of SheerForce Polishing Systems for the repair and restoration of glass and acrylic.

David Gittins, owner and founder of IPS, Florida (USA):
„It was high time for a representation of SheerForce Polishing Systems outside the States. Industries in the USA use our technology for two decades. Europa still lags a little behind but can only gain by our scratch removal systems for glass and acrylic which are now directly availible on the European market.“

No abrasion necessary - the glass will simply „flow“ back into the scratch!
Since the invention of SheerForce Polishing Systems the conventional “European method” to remove scratches from glass surfaces either by abrasion or by filling up the scratch with resin will be a part of the past.

With SheerForce Polishing Systems you can remove scratches without any visible distortion, even from embedded glass. A combination of physical-chemical processes causes the glass to „flow“ on the molecular level and so to cover up scratches by itself. After the removal the surface is left as good as new.
SheerForce Polishing Systems´ method to remove cratches without visual distortion or physical abrasive is simply revolutionary.

IPS Europe´s large range of products can be useful for various kinds of industries: aircrafts, boats/shipbuilding, glass production, glass distribution, construction, architecture, facility management, automotive industry, zoos/aquaria and glass cleaning.

SheerForce Polishing Systems are suitable for most kinds of glass and acrylic (PMMA - polymethylmethacrylate), which can be found on the market under varying names. This includes floatglas, tempered safety glass, laminated safety glass, chemicaly strengthened glass and tinted glass.

Sheerforce Polishing Systems is effective, it saves time, money and contributes to our environmental protection.

„Since we offer our products for glass and acrylic only in combination with a training course we can guarantee a high-class standard“, says Gabriela Landenberg, managing director of IPS Europe. “On the other hand SheerForce products are positioned in a mid-range price segment, which makes our systems even attractive for smaller companies.“

With the foundation of IPS Europe, the European market is now supplied with a direct contact partner, who can offer support as well as a growing network of business associates.

In 1987 David Gittins, owner and founder of Innovative Polishing Systems, Inc., started to develop glass and acrylic repair systems. His inventions were ground breaking and helped glass industries in the US to safe millions of dollars. His high quality polishing systems were distributed in the USA on a national and international level by companies like DeGorter Inc. and GlasWeld. Nevertheless his systems are little known outside the United States. The collaboration was terminated by Dave Gittins in 2004.

“Go With The Inventors, Not The Imitators!”

You can find SheerForce Polishing Systems for glass and acrylic and all further products and
materials on IPS Europe´s website

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IPS Europe UG (haftungsbeschränkt) i.G.
Plauener Strasse 163-165
13053 Berlin


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: IPS-Europe
Datum: 11.12.2009 - 10:50 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 144798
Anzahl Zeichen: 0






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