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Steam Traps and Valves - gestra

ID: 1427471

The GESTRA product range includes steam traps, steam trap testing units, non-return valves, swing check valves, control valves, continuous blowdown and intermittent blowdown valves, and oil detectors. In providing effective level control, TDS control and temperature monitoring, GESTRA components ensure the safe operation of pressurized hot-water and steam plants, and also prevent production outages.

(IINews) - GESTRA is a global leader in the design and production of valves and control systems for heat and process fluid control. We offer our customers a full range of complete systems and intelligent solutions engineered to function with maximum reliability.
Our products have many practical applications and are used wherever
-steam is generated, distributed or used
-liquid and gaseous media flow
-savings in energy are possible, and
-operational reliability and environmental protection play an important role
According to the maxim "Safety Secures Success" we are intending to always meet the latest and highest safety standards in addition to fulfilling legal safety requirements. Safeguarding the health, safety and physical integrity of our employees, visitors and customers has top priority and is of utmost importance to us.
Our declared objective: No accidents at work!

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

GESTRA is a global leader in the design and production of valves and control systems for heat and process fluid control.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:

drucken  als PDF  an Freund senden  Regelungstechnik & Armaturen - gestra 
Kompetente Unterstützung von A bis Z: Das Informations- und Beratungsportal rund um Gründung
Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: MBerges
Datum: 22.11.2016 - 12:07 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1427471
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Maria Berges


Telefon: 042135030




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"Steam Traps and Valves - gestra
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