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Laser show systems in “The WYLD” in Friedrichstadt-Palace in Berlin, Germany

ID: 1383911

The Friedrichstadt-Palace in Berlin is the largest revue theater in Europe. The hall has 1895 seats and has a total area of 2,854 square meters incredible to play theater. The Friedrichstadt Palast has several laser show systems from the southern German company LPS-Lasersystems.

(IINews) - The Friedrichstadt-Palace in Berlin is the largest revue theater in Europe. The proscenium theater stage measures 24 meters and is the biggest stage in the world. The hall has 1895 seats. Overall, the theater has a playable total area of incredible 2854 square meters. A water tank with a capacity of approximately 140,000 liters, which can be lifted out of the lower stage, and a mechanically mobile ice rink, which can be drawn directly on the basin. Another high-light of the Friedrichstadt-Palace is for sure the famous world''s longest legendary girls´row, which consists of 32 dancers.
Every year round about a half a million visitors experience spectacular show entertainment at the highest level. The Friedrichstadt-Palace is the superlative of all revue theaters.
THE WYLD" tells a supernatural, rather futuristic love story and was with 10 million euros, the largest production and most successful ever in Europe. "THE WYLD" Grand Show, was shown from October 2014 till July 16, 2016. With a total of 478 performances, admired around 780,000 visitors the stunning show of top-class actors in Friedrichstadt-Palace. The impressive lighting design and the colorful laser show effects give the stage in addition a different and mystical atmosphere.
“THE WYLD” will be replaced through the new “THE ONE” Grand show. It costs about 11 million euro and starts on September 22nd, 2016 and can be enjoyed till mid-2018. The content of the show is about the search to this one special person, simply “THE ONE” who means everything to us. The ensemble consists of 100 artists coming from 26 nations. The famous French designer Jean Paul Gaultier, designed exclusively just for "THE ONE" over 500 breathtaking costumes. "THE ONE" is probably the most impressive show that the Friedrichstadt-Palace has ever shown.
The theater is artistically and technically equipped only with the finest. Thus it is no wonder that the indoor sound system is one of the most powerful in Europe. In addition, the Friedrichstadt Palast has several laser show systems from the southern German company LPS-Lasersystems. Already in 2011 LPS-Lasersystems installed the LPS-Bax RGB in the “holy halls” of the Friedrichstadt-Palast and impress in addition, the visitors to the show with matching colour and varied laser effects to the stage scenery. The LPS-Bax is the bestselling series of the company LPS for years. Therefore trust also artistic directors of other theaters the LPS laser show systems, such as the famous theater in Asgabat (Turkmenistan), Thyphoon theater on Sentosa Island (Singapore), Rustavi Theater in Tbilisi (Georgia), to name just a few. The laser show systems are also often booked for temporarily events, e.g. successful orchestras in Obecni Dum in Prague (Czech Republic).

LPS-Lasersysteme is worldwide known as one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of professional laser show systems, laser shows, laser show software and multimedia shows. Renowned event agencies and adventure restaurateurs, decision makers of many institutions and Governments, as well as other laser show providers around the world trust the company that has its headquarter in south-west of Germany since 1993 and produces the complete laser show equipment there. You can feel the more than 23 years existence of LPS-Lasersysteme in many ways. Experience and implementation options are specifically brought in harmony – versatile, brilliant color laser shows at large events with more than hundred thousand spectators, reliable laser show systems purchased around the globe are the result and last but not least: satisfied and always recurring customers around the world.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

LPS-Lasersysteme is worldwide known as one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of professional laser show systems, laser shows, laser show software and multimedia shows. Renowned event agencies and adventure restaurateurs, decision makers of many institutions and Governments, as well as other laser show providers around the world trust the company that has its headquarter in south-west of Germany since 1993 and produces the complete laser show equipment there. You can feel the more than 23 years existence of LPS-Lasersysteme in many ways. Experience and implementation options are specifically brought in harmony – versatile, brilliant color laser shows at large events with more than hundred thousand spectators, reliable laser show systems purchased around the globe are the result and last but not least: satisfied and always recurring customers around the world.


Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177

PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Martina Ruff
Marketing Director
Haidschwärze 18
72131 Ofterdingen
Tel: 07473/271177

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: marlem
Datum: 27.07.2016 - 11:15 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1383911
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Martina Ruff


Telefon: 07473/271177


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"Laser show systems in “The WYLD” in Friedrichstadt-Palace in Berlin, Germany
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