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Modern Styles in Direction and Sports Administration

ID: 1309372

One of the major factors militating against the creation of sports in Nigeria today is lack of effective direction. Worried and patriotic Nigerians are proffering a lot of solutions daily to bail us. One of such solutions is this text entitled "Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Direction". It is composed by Dr. Joseph Awoyinfa, a lecturer in the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria; a researcher and educational advisor. I was when it was presented in Nigeria to the general public on December 4, 2008, the person tempted by the writer as well as the university to review the publication.

(IINews) - One of the major factors militating against the creation of sports in Nigeria today is lack of effective management. Patriotic and worried Nigerians are proffering lots of solutions daily to bail us. Among such remedies is this text entitled "Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Management". I was when it had been presented in Nigeria to the general public on December 4, 2008, the person tempted by the author as well as the university to critique the book.

According to Awoyinfa, it''s a truism all around the globe that sport has become a reference issue which can not be discounted at various sectors of the economy and spheres of life. The author adds that this text therefore takes a critical look at topical issues dwelling on principles and theories of modern styles in sports administration and management for example leadership, in sports administration and management, organisation, planning, motivation, etc.

The text comprises 16 chapters. Chapter one is christened "the notion of sports management". Here, Awoyinfa says management is a theory that entails different things to various people at different times, hence leading to its multiplicity of definitions. He explains that management has been variously called an a science an art, a person or people, a subject along with a procedure.

This author expatiates that as an art, sports management is about carrying out sports organisational functions and jobs through people all; sports management is all about creating sports doctrine, laws, theories, principles, procedures and practices while as a science. As an organisation, according to him, sports management is defined as a way of creating an organization and formal structures predicated on a mission, goals, goals, functions and jobs.

Awoyinfa says as someone or group of people, sports management may consult with the head alone or to all of the senior staff, committee, etc.; while as a subject, management is a field of study with various subjects and topics. The author illuminates that sports management as a procedure is about a systematic way of doing things. In sports administration as planning, organising, staffing, directing/ controlling, leading, coordination, budgeting and evaluation Awoyinfa emphasizes management functions. On whom a sports manager is, this author prepares that a sports manager is anyone at any given level of sport organisation who directs

the efforts of others towards the achievement of organisational goals sport-wise.

Chapter two is based on trends of sports management idea and the subject matter of development. Here, Awoyinfa discloses the growth of thoughts on sports management dates back to the times when folks first tried to achieve goals by working together in an organization. In his words, "There was serious thinking and theorising about managing many years prior to the beginning of the twentieth (20th) century, which marked the beginning of modern sports management idea. The industrial revolution of the nineteenth (19th) century likely provided the climate for this quite serious theorising."

Awoyinfa adds that since the turn of the 20th century, writers on business theory and sports management have now been propounding different theories about how to handle employees and work more efficiently and effectively. This author trains that the three principal schools of management thought are: the ancient; the human -behavioural; as well as the integrative. Awoyinfa also emphasizes early sports management theorists; principles and features of scientific management; assessment of the scientific management theory, etc., in this chapter.

Chapter three is thematically tagged "principles of sports management". He adds that management principles must hence be according to general terms in order for them to be applicable within sport organisations of varying sizes and nature. "Modern sports supervisors and administrators are likely to be able to spot and use appropriate principles that are relevant to particular scenarios. This really is because no single principle can suit all administrative scenarios," submits Awoyinfa.

He says the fundamental principles of sports are those appropriate to all sports organisations and as an effect of the general acceptability, they are occasionally called "universal principles of sports management". This author expatiates that many of these principles are: duty; delegation of communication and authority.

In chapter four on the basis of the concept of motivational and behavioural theories in sports organisation, the author says human beings are creatures that are unique as they act differently under different states and are mostly difficult to predict. Awoyinfa stresses that since human beings make up the main component in sports organisation, sports supervisors need some understanding of why people act in one way or the other, so that they (sports supervisors) can affect people to do just the way sports organisations find desirable.

One potent instrument this author suggests that can be used to elicit performance in athletes is motivation.

However, it continues to be an important and a perplexing subject for sports supervisors." Awoyinfa farther discusses development of inspirational concepts in sports organisation; use of motivational theories to sports management; strategies of behaviour change, etc., in this chapter.

Chapter 11 is centered on communication strategies in sports organisation. According to Awoyinfa here, communication is a crucial factor in almost any organisational effectiveness when communication abilities are lacking among members because organisations cannot operate effectively. "Since communication is the moving spirit within an organisation, its lack may make organisations standstill," asserts this author.

In chapters 12 to 16, Awoyinfa X-beams theories such as organisational changes and development in sports administration; leadership in sports administration and management; government and management of soccer as a coach; teaching human kinetics and health instruction in schools and faculties; and organisation and government of schools at various degrees of instruction.

This text scores a pass mark, as regards mode of presentation. For example, the language is not incomprehensible as well as the notions are brilliantly stated. The simplicity of the language is expected, given the author''s double professional background as a lecturer and pastor. To ensure easy study of the text on readers'' part, Awoyinfa emphasizes the goals of every chapter in the beginning and ends with review/revision questions.

What''s more, he creatively embroiders the text with images (pages 50, 97, 317, 330, 338, 395, etc.) to enhance readers'' understanding through visual communication. Awoyinfa comprises references at the end of every chapter to fulfil academic duty of source disclosure and offer readers opportunities to read more. Inclusion of many references also supports the depth of his research. His utilization of visual differentiation for the phrase "Modern Trends" in the title is undoubtedly creative.

If there are chapters that basically make this text qualified as a compendium of advanced alternatives to the management and administrative difficulties plaguing our sports development in Nigeria, they have been chapters four, eight, 11 and 13. The reason being they discuss leadership, planning, communication and motivation respectively.

Meanwhile, the thematically best chapter of all is chapter four. These are pictures used for illustration in inspirational discussion.

Nonetheless, some mistakes are noticed in this text. These errors must be corrected in the next version.

On a note of analytic finality, this text is a compendium of irresistible sports management suggestions. This is a must-read for all stakeholders in the sports sector, administrators and particularly supervisors. It is only fascinating.

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