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First WOLFF in Manhattan – WOLFF 700 B US at Three World Trade Center

ID: 1301102

New York – December 2015. One World Trade Center was opened in Manhattan last year. At 541 meters high, it is the tallest building in the United States and the main building of the new World Trade Center complex, which once completed will include five skyscrapers. In the summer of 2015, Federated Crane Co, LLC set up a WOLFF 700 B US at Three World Trade Center (3 WTC) on behalf of the responsible steel construction company. The powerful luffing crane is the first WOLFF crane in New York City and convinces with a compact design and modern drive technology.

(IINews) - Construction work on the 3 WTC already started back in 2010 with the building of the foundation and a part of the reinforced concrete inner core accommodating elevators, staircases and supply lines. The WOLFF 700 B US, equipped with a 55-meter jib and an additional five-meter fly-jib, is expected to be in use until mid next year, lifting steel columns and girders for the outer shell of the skyscraper. Although a standard construction method in modern high-rise construction, the WOLFFKRAN team was faced with the challenge of having to position the crane extremely close to inner core. With the construction of the core always several floors higher up than the outer shell, a crane with a very small tail swing was required in order for it to rotate freely. The WOLFF 700 B US, already equipped with a very short counter jib, was therefore specially adapted for this project with an even shorter counter jib of 7.4 meters. The WOLFF will rise with the building to a height of approx. 300 meters by means of an internal climbing mechanism.

Safe, efficient and powerful

In addition to its compact construction, the customer opted for the WOLFF 700 B US because of its electric drives paired with high lifting capacities and working speeds. With safety and efficiency regulations for cranes having become considerably stricter in New York City in the recent past, contractors and rental equipment companies are more often opting for modern electric tower cranes rather than the conventional diesel-powered cranes. The WOLFF 700 B US impressively proves that this does not affect the performance of the crane. With a lifting capacity of 53 tons and a line speed of up to 190 m/min, it is ideally suited for the job on the 3 WTC site, where it has to lift tons of steel and prefabricated components up to 350 meters. It is further equipped with a fly-jib lifting eight tons and a working speed of up to 140 m/min.

The USA becomes WOLFF-territory

With the WOLFF 700 B US in San Francisco and the WOLFF 700 B US at 3 WTC, the premium manufacturer has sent a new generation of efficient electric luffing jib cranes onto US building sites. Customer service, technical support and spare parts are provided by the recently established subsidiary WOLFFKRAN Inc. operating just outside Manhattan. And in virtually no time after the first two WOLFFs have begun to prove themselves on US turf, several WOLFF 355 B luffing cranes are next in line to be used for upcoming projects in the New York metropolitan area.

About the World Trade Center complex:
Three World Trade center is expected to be completed in 2018 at 329 meters, making it one of the ten tallest buildings in New York. Construction on Two World Trade Center is also currently ongoing. Already completed are Seven World Trade Center (228 meters), Four World Trade Center (297 meters) and since 2014 One World Trade Center (541 meters). The buildings accommodate mainly offices, but also include shops and restaurants. The skyscrapers on the World Trade Center site, referred to as "Ground Zero", create a frame around the 9/11 Memorial, which was opened in 2011.

WOLFF crane in use in New York:
Crane Base: Internal climbing frame
Jib Radius, m: 55
Tower Heigth, m: Final height 300m on an internal climbing frame and approx 46m tower hight
Lifting Capacity, t: 53
BGL group (mt): 710

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

With a tradition of over 150 years WOLFFKRAN is one of the leading manufacturers and rental companies of high-quality tower cranes in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, North America, Australia and Hong Kong. The worldwide rental fleet comprises more than 750 WOLFF cranes. It is headquarted in Zug (Swizerland) and has manufacturing site in Heilbronn and Luckau (Germany) as well as international subsidiaries and partnerships around the world. It employs a global workforce of approx 900 people.


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Sarah Spitzl-Kirch
Datum: 17.12.2015 - 10:14 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1301102
Anzahl Zeichen: 0






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