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Robert J Guidry Investments

ID: 1301034

When recently asked to remark on the start of his career Mr. Guidry, known to many as Bobby, took the audience back to 1958, when during school vacations as a lad of only 12, he worked 60 miles off shore on a tug boat owned by his dad. His duties, during the 14 day long shifts at sea included being oiler, a deckhand, and cook. After high school, in 1963, he went to work full time helping run the tug business; something he would do for the next 45 years of the family.

(IINews) - When recently asked to remark on the start of his career Mr. Guidry, known to many as Bobby, took the audience back to 1958, when during school vacations as a lad of only 12, he worked 60 miles off shore on a tug boat owned by his dad. His duties, during the 14 day long shifts at sea included being oiler, a deckhand, and cook. After high school, in 1963, he went to work full time helping run the tug business; something he would do for the next 45 years of the family.

Robert J. GuidryIn a classic story of American bootstrapping entrepreneurial success, Bobby Guidry began earning $300 a month from the tug business. With his monthly rent at $90.00, automobile note at $50.00, and a wife and kid at home, his finances were exceptionally tight. But Bobby his brother sustained and built the family business over the decades to become the clear industry leader with a fleet of offshore vessels and unmatched in power and quality.

In sharing what he was most proud of viewing the years at Harvey Gulf International Marine, Bobby said, "it''s actually two associated accomplishments, first we avoided having any significant debt on the business, which in turn enabled us constantly to be profitable from 1963 to 2008."

When asked if the gain record was ever in jeopardy given his answer shocks most to all the good and the bad of the oil business. "No, actually, we were profitable each month; that''s 490 consecutive months of profitability in the oil field business; not a lot of companies can match us on that one."

With a fantastic awareness of timing that had always marked his career, Mr. Guidry, and his family sold Harvey Gulf International Marine to a New York private equity fund in August of 2008 only weeks before the monetary crisis gripped the state.

When asked concerning the keys to his success in business his reply flows fast, "I worked harder than my opponents. When most others were asleep, I was already at work, when others were away playing on a Friday afternoon, I was still making sales calls or in the shipyard making sure our boat was first back to the water ahead of our competitors". He went to express that "without my brother and my loyal workers, the businesses would have not reached the success we loved."

While Robert Guidry might be best known for Harvey Gulf International Marine, he has enjoyed tremendous success as a businessman crossing multiple industries including Maritime, Real Estate Development, Hospitality, Gaming, and Lodging.

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Datum: 17.12.2015 - 08:22 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1301034
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Robert Guidry


Telefon: 11506643


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