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Airbus Defence and Space and Cisco seal global agreement on defense, security and satellite communication market

ID: 1209095

Airbus Defence and Space and Cisco seal global agreement on defense, security and satellite communication market

(pressrelations) -
Technology innovators expand relationship globally to lead the evolution in network-focused IT
Airbus Defence and Space and Cisco seal global agreement on defense, security and satellite communication market

Airbus Defence and Space and Cisco today announced a new global partner agreement that will combine their complementary technology strengths in the defense, security and satellite communication industries to create innovative products and systems in software-defined networking, cybersecurity, mobility, cloud, data intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT). The agreement comprises access to sales and technology training, joint go-to-market activities, as well as joint solution and service development.

Building on a long-standing and successful relationship between the two companies, the expanded, collaborative alliance combines Airbus Defence and Space?s industry expertise and solutions with Cisco IT, networking and communications products. This will help enable the two companies to bring together their knowledge and expertise and collaborate on industry-leading service offerings and solutions for the defense, security and aerospace industries.

The partner agreement between Airbus Defence and Space and Cisco also expands the two companies? sales collaboration globally and accelerates coordinated joint go-to-market activities at both global and country levels.

As part of the agreement, Cisco will provide Airbus Defence and Space with an extensive range of industry leading networking, design and engineering expertise from Cisco Services along with networking equipment and infrastructure. At the same time Airbus Defence and Space global sales and engineering teams will have access to Cisco sales and technology training programs, such as Cisco Sales Expert and Cisco Vertical Solutions Architect.

Airbus Defence and Space becomes a Cisco Global Specialty Integrator, enabling it to embed Cisco technologies into its own systems and solutions in all geographies where a strong resilience and a high quality of networking services are required.

The agreement will enable Airbus Defence and Space to partner directly with Cisco globally and resell selected networking technology and collaborate in the development of new solutions. Eric Souleres, Head of Engineering, Operations and Quality of the Communications, Intelligence and Security (CIS) unit within Airbus Defence and Space said, "This relationship is a significant step forward for both companies. By utilising both companies? technology and expertise we will be able to develop and offer superior and ground-breaking products and solutions to our customers, and strengthen our respective strategies as system integrator and IT leader."

"Cisco and Airbus Defence and Space strongly believe that the network is key in driving innovation and delivering business outcomes to our customers. The diversity of our talent and technology will help enable both companies to better address existing opportunities and create transformational solutions that will deliver competitive advantage in the defense, cyber security and the satellite communication industries", said Wendy Mars, VP Enterprise Business Group, Cisco EMEAR.

About Airbus Defence and Space

Airbus Defence and Space is a division of Airbus Group formed by combining the business activities of Cassidian, Astrium and Airbus Military. The new division is Europe?s number one defence and space enterprise, the second largest space business worldwide and among the top ten global defence enterprises. It employs more than 38,000 employees generating revenues of approximately ?13 billion per year.


Knut Natvig
+47 48 030 911

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+47 48 030 911

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: pressrelations
Datum: 06.05.2015 - 18:15 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1209095
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