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A promise of luxury in student accommodation

ID: 1102127

Jesmond student 8 bed Houses We don’t just offer Jesmond student accommodation for the common group sizes of around 3, 4 5 and 6 bed Jesmond student houses

(IINews) - Jesmondaccommodation takes pride in being the foremost provider of student accommodation in the area of Jesmond, keeping in mind the budget which the students can have and the utmost comfort of the highest level that''s offered in form of luxurious and spectacular properties. The spokesperson of the company announced today declaring that new and incredibly well-kept houses are on offer for the students seeking accommodation. The prices and the amenities are kept at a level that is conducive for any student or a group of students, since most of them prefer privately-owned houses close to the university rather than the halls of residence. jesmond student 8 houses are definitely a class apart, a better choice in terms of rent and transparency of the contracts, offering luxury and a good environment to spend a major part of the entire course duration of the university.

Students seeking accommodation should ready to get amazed, as the 8 bed student houses Jesmond have a lot to offer to them. Outstandingly attractive leading Jesmond properties are on offer, that are at a stone''s throw from Acorn Road as well as Osborne Road. Houses are decorated and beautifully furnished to the finest of standards in contemporary style. These have solid oak flooring, broad and long boards, but not laminated, floors are eye-catching to view and trouble-free to keep clean. Rooms are endowed with power showers and limestone tiling. Every bedroom has HD plasmas for effortless and relaxed viewing. Additionally, two more plasma TV''s are in the lounge and the breakfast kitchen. Plasma TV''s are even installed in the shared bathrooms. Orthopedic mattresses are offered for an ideal sleep and relaxation, single beds are none.

Breakfast kitchens are equipped with finest dining table and comfortable chairs, and also have American style fridge freezers, dishwashers, washer dryers, microwaves and solid and durable granite worktops. Properties also have BBQ areas for the students to relax and have a good time. The properties are non-smoking. For the students to move in, properties are proficiently cleaned and kept ready. Moreover, for regular maintenance, free cleaners and gardeners are there, even free window cleaners work on regular basis to keep the windows and doors in topmost condition.

For an extra security and further assistance, a 24/7 emergency helpline and swift response maintenance is offered. Students can call at 07810 282328 .

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: grilpandey00
Datum: 01.09.2014 - 12:12 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1102127
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Gril


Telefon: 07810 282328


Apparate und Behälterbau


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