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Chemische Industrie

Themenbereich / Industrie / Chemische Industrie

Global Water Purifiers Market to Grow at Over 10% CAGR till 2028

New York: Increasing industrialization, rapid urbanization, deteriorating water quality, rising scarcity of freshwater resources to drive global water purifiers market through 2028 ...

Plastic Caps and Closures Market to Reach $ 33 Billion by 2024

New York: Declining usage of bottles and containers made of glass backed by high cost and brittle nature of glass to drive global plastic caps and closures market through 2024 ...

Blow Fill Seal Technology Market to Worth Over $ 466 Million by 2024

New York: Rising demand for aseptic packaging from pharmaceutical industry coupled with increased focus on replacing glass vials to boost global blow fill seal technology market through 2024 ...

Asia-Pacific to Dominate Chloromethane Market During Forecast Period

New York: Growing demand for chloromethane from end-user industries to drive the growth of global chloromethane market during the forecast period ...

Tungsten Carbide Market to be Dominated by Automotive Industry through 2024

New York: Increasing research & development activities, superior properties as compared to conventional materials, to boost the global Tungsten Carbide market through 2024. ...

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