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Öffentlicher Dienst

Themenbereich / Öffentlicher Dienst

Can Vaping Actually Help Quit Smoking Cigarettes?

Shenzhen: We are the first to launch the Dual Vertical Mesh Coil sub ohm tank , and the world’s first Single, Double, Triple, Quad and Quintuple mesh coil sub ohm tank. ...

South America Ice-creams and Frozen Desserts Market is Propelled by the Upheaving Demand for Dairy-Free Frozen Ice-Creams

Hyderabad: The South America ice-creams and frozen dessert market was valued at $11.5 billion as of 2018 and is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of 1.6% throughout the forecast period 2019-2025. ...

Middle East Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs) Market Driven by the Government Initiatives

Hyderabad: The Middle East Variable Frequency Devices (VFDs) market size is estimated to reach $138.9m by 2023. With rampant energy consumption due to infrastructural developments in the region, the Middle East ...

Die Zukunft in einem Büro

Hamburg: Das Großraum Büro steht vor einem Upgrade: Das sogenannte Living Office ist der attraktivere Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft, der mehr soziales Wohlbefinden, Kreativität, Produktivität und bessere Ergebn ...

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